ciskek ni resipi yg di adjas2. resipi yg pernah ku letak di entry yg lalu iaitu chocolate cheese cake tapi ku adjas jadi cengini . resipi kat bawah tu ku agak2 le camna ku adjas aritu.

hasilnya memang sedap. tapi ku rasa ku lebih suka kalau base dia guna chocolate biscuit dari digestive. guna le oreo ke atau yg sewaktu dengannya.

ku buat ni masa sedara2 ku datang umah last friday. kak ipar ku suka benor kek ni. kak ros pun suka siap minta bawa balik lagi hehehe. ku kalau buat ciskek utk makan kat umah jarang ku mekap atau letak topping. coz ku suka nak nikmati rasa ciskek tu tanpa gangguan rasa toppingnya hehehe.
marble chocolate pistachio cheese cake
100g digestive biscuits
30 gm chocolate- melted
60g butter
20-50 gm pistachio - roasted and crushed.
50g dark chocolate, chopped small (ini dikurangkan men agak2 je coz ku bhg 2 adunan ni cheese ni)
300 gm Philadelphia cream cheese
50 g caster sugar
1/2 tablespoon Bird’s custard powder
2 large eggs
1 large egg yolks
90 ml sour cream
30-50 gm pistachio - roasted and crushed
1. To make the base, process the biscuits to make rough crumbs and then add the butter
2. Process again until it makes damp, clumping crumbs and then tip them into a 23cm springform tin. Press the biscuit crumbs into the bottom of the tin to make an even base, then add a layer of pistachio and drizzle the melted chocolate over it and put into the freezer while you make the filling.
3. Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/180ºC. Put a kettle on to boil. Melt the chocolate either in a microwave or double boiler, and set aside to cool slightly.
4. Beat the cream cheese to soften it, and then add the sugar and custard powder, beating again to combine. Beat in the whole eggs and then the yolks, and the sour cream. divide into two parts. add melted chocolate and pistachio to the first part.
5. Take the springform tin out of the freezer and line the outside of the tin with a good layer of clingfilm, and then another layer of strong foil over that. This will protect it from the water bath.
6. Sit the springform tin in a roasting pan and pour in the cheesecake filling - selang seli yek. Fill the roasting pan with just-boiled water to come about halfway up the cake tin, and bake in the oven for 45 minutes to an hour. The top of the cheesecake should be set, but the underneath should still have a wobble to it.
7. Peel away the foil and clingfilm wrapping and sit the cheesecake in its tin on a rack to cool. Put in the fridge once it’s no longer hot, and leave to set, covered with clingfilm, overnight. Let it lose its chill before unspringing the cheesecake to serve.